Low Voltage

  • 13 Jan 2011 1:13 PM
    Message # 495119
    RECI Office (Administrator)
    Low Voltage
  • 13 Jan 2011 8:28 PM
    Reply # 495486 on 495119
    Ed Rosett
    The State says phone & cable permits are not required.  In Birmingham we require permits from alarm contractors and data line installers. Right or wrong?
  • 13 Jan 2011 10:18 PM
    Reply # 495537 on 495119
    Tony Tomasin (Administrator)


    It is my understanding that low voltage contractors, other than fire alarm, are not required to secure permits in

  • 15 Jan 2012 1:33 PM
    Reply # 798179 on 495119
    What do you do about violations that are found article 800 or 900   when there are no permits issued. Do you issue a violation to the contractor or homeowner that pulled the electrical permit? Or do you issue a violation to the building owner?
  • 19 Jan 2012 9:57 PM
    Reply # 803146 on 495119
    The violation needs to be issued to the person responsible for doing the work, authorizing the work, the homeowner or builder. Make sure you quote the code article section that is being violated and do it in writing with a copy being left on the job and a copy given to the Building Official and the C of O can be held up until the corrections are made. The building department should be administratively requesting that a fee be paid to have the job re-visited by the inspector. That is the procedure used by the State Electrical Inspectors so there should be no reason we should not be doing the same thing.
  • 20 Jan 2012 1:14 PM
    Reply # 803617 on 495119
    Tony Tomasin (Administrator)

    I agree with George.  I work several different municipalities and they all handle it the same way.  The building inspector and the building official must be made aware of the fact that there are violations to the low voltage sections of the Michigan Electrical Code.  All adopted State codes must be enforced.  As George stated the building inspector can and should withhold the final certificate of occupancy until all codes have been complied with, even if permits are not required by the State, as is the case with low voltage wiring.  The municipality does have the right to charge reinspection fees to see that all codes have been complied with.



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